On the 25th November the Reduce, reuse, recycle and edible gardens enviro teams went to Tiritiri Matangi Island. The students impressed their guides Eileen and Hohepa with all their knowledge of the history of the island, the birds and some of the trees. Myristicine was the girl's word of the day - the potent healing chemical found in Kawakawa leaves. This chemical is produced by the plant and sent to leaves damaged by the Kawakawa looper. It heals the edges of the holes they make, hence the leaves with the most holes have more myristicine present. It was a wild day with a few showers on the way up Wattle track and strong wind around the lighthouse, but we saw many different bird species thanks to the girl's keen eyesight and because they were so quiet. Next time you see a Mahoe (Whitey wood), hold your ear to the trunk and listen.
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